Realtime reporting is the act of being connected directly to a court reporter in a deposition or in a courtroom setting to your laptop and even your iPad and seeing the text as it is produced instantaneously.  You are able to get the “live” feed of the proceedings directly to your laptop or iPad, making notes, performing searches, marking testimony within the text right on your laptop or iPad.  Gone are the days of pencils and pens and notepads and trying to keep up with the testimony.   All of that is done now with the simple click of a button.
Ask us for a demonstration of how this powerful tool can work for you.  Appalachian Court Reporting reporters will provide the laptop for you, which allows you to receive the testimony directly with CaseViewNet, which allows parties to make personal notations, read the text files, scroll the entire text for review of specific testimony, quick and easy preparation of direct examination or cross-examination, and is designed to cover near limitless applications. Want to learn how we are now able to provide you a realtime feed directly to your iPad through ICVNet?  Call us today and ask for a demonstration or how to download the application and allow us to show you how easy and incredible the technology is to use and master.   Challenge our local competitors to offer the same product.